Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day after Election:
Perfect day to start a blog!
"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Here's to freedom. Americans have the freedom to make choices everyday. Will I go to work this morning? Will I get an education, a career, achieve a goal, or will I spend my life doing other things? Will I have a drink with dinner (maybe two ;))? How about a movie on Friday night? Who do I want to be? How much do I want to give? Have I helped others along the way or have a taken more than I've given? Sometimes, the consequences of our choices are rewarding and good. In the United States, it seems that many citizens, not excluding myself, are largely spared the consequences of their choices.
I believe that being spared the consequences of our choices can quickly cause apathy for country and too much empathy for self. I asked myself, how have I contributed to my own freedom? Do I make choices that set me free or do I bind myself and keep myself at the mercy of others? How do I contribute to the free choices of the world? Am I a giver or a taker? It seems to me that the U.S. has largely become a nation of receivers and not givers, consumers and not producers. We are the "buyers" of the most precious resources all over the world, and we are buying on credit! We elect a President based on what he or she can do for me, rather than what I can do for my country with this next candidate. Change can be good; however, we've actually had a lot of change the last eight years, if you think about it! So, change isn't always good. The promise of change for the sake of change alone scares me. The promise of greater opportunities to give, achieve and not just take excites me. Where is the incentive? What have I done to warrant positive change?
I have been deeply humbled by this election. I stand for my country, but most importantly, I take personal responsibility for my own accomplishments and contributions, or lack thereof, to this country. I pray that the next four years are filled positive change; not from the White House or Congress or the Judiciary Branch, but from the people. I aim to not drag the U.S. down by expecting to only receive what the next candidate has to give, but to be a catalyst for change within my own sphere of influence. I will do more, I will achieve more, I will give more.
On a funny note, read the quote below to see Arnold's concerns for our new President. Sounds like a new Presidential Challenge for Physical Fitness. ;)
"We have to do something about his skinny legs. He has to do squats."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

1 comment:

csherrod said...

Wow! I'm the first person to be a "live" subscriber to your blog!

The election was humbling for me you realize only ONE of the people for which I voted was elected?!?

It WILL be all about giving, and I like your positive attitude about wanting to give....

I'm going to focus on your positivity rather than the negativity of fear that could easily consume me.

Excellent blog, Bethrock!